Thursday, March 29, 2007

Sweet Love

I’ve read an article about this story, true story:
At the National University, Vietnam, that day during break time, a group of students stood in a corridor of the biggest building looking down the school yard. They were surprised because of a big heart shape made by a thousand of red roses in the center of a school yard. Inside the big heart was a sentence written by roses:” TR, I love you!” There, a young man stood beside that heart. The crowded discussed, whispered, and wondered who that man was and who the roses were for. Some students realized the man was a brilliant student in their class. Suddenly a lovely girl stepped out of the crowd and walked forward to the school yard. She came up to the man. He took her hand and held her tight. The crowd was excited. They laughed out loud and clapped. When the couple was asked, they said they were best friends, and gradually they’re in love. The man said he appreciated what she had done for him, so he wanted to show his love to her in a special way. Of course the girl was thrilled, and she smiled happily. They said they didn’t plan to marry. They want to study until they earn their college diplomas, and they’ll help and encourage each other in any situations. What’s a sweet love! I hope they’ll happy forever.

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