Friday, March 23, 2007

Education in Vietnam

The method of education in Vietnam is very different from methods of education in the U.S. As in the U.S., we have two semesters in one school year. There are a lot of tests and exams. Every week, teachers give fifteen minutes test about the lessons in that week. Those are small tests just to check if students understand and remember the information. Twice a month, we have a period test of 45 minutes. Those 45-minutes tests are harder and longer than 15- minutes test. Those include critical thinking questions which require more skills and knowledge. We also take exams each semi-semester and at the end of each semester. The final exam is the most important, because it will decide of our total grade in that year. Teachers are very strict and give us a lot of homework. They check us every day to see if we studied the lessons. Teachers usually write and read what they explained on the boards, and we copy them down. We must learn them by heart, memorize each sentence in order to do well and pass all the tests. That’s why we study all the time at school, in class, at home, and even on weekends. Examination really makes Vietnamese students exhausted.

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