Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A Spider's Web.

A web of a spider is very complicated. How can it build the web? A spider’s body makes a liquid called silk. The spider spins its web from liquid silk. The silk is liquid when it comes out of the spider’s body. Slowly the air dries the liquid. Then the liquid silk becomes a strong thread. The spider’s body makes two main kinds of silk. One kind of silk is sticky, and the other is not. The spider makes the first part of the web of non-sticky silk. Then it adds the strands of sticky silk. It’s take the spider a long time to build a complete web. Insects then will get caught on the sticky silk. The sticky silk holds the insects tight so that they can not escape. The spider has a special claw on each foot. It uses these claws to walk on the threads. The spider doesn’t get caught in its web. The web is not only its home, but also its trap to catch its food. The thread of spider’s web is one of the best thread in the world. It is durable, and it’s hard to be cut.

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