Monday, March 26, 2007

My Busiest Day

Saturday is my busiest day of the week. I wake up at 6am and prepare to go to work. I work in Chinatown in a Vietnamese- Chinese restaurant. The restaurant opens from 7am to 6pm. They serve Chinese and Vietnamese food, noodle soup, French coffee, and Vietnamese sandwiches. My job is to greet the customers and to serve food. Because there aren’t enough workers, I play in 2 roles. My main role is making sandwiches. There are different kinds of sandwiches: beef, pork, chicken, ham… If there is no one ordering sandwiches, I’ll be a bus girl put away dishes and clean tables. The restaurant is busy, so I get a lot of work. Usually I’m done at 4pm. I go home after I have cleaned up and prepared the stuff for the sandwiches for the next day. My legs feel tired because I stand the whole day. But I’m happy because for the first time, I make money on my own. Also, it’s good to work part time. I can get a work experience while I’m studying. This will be a good preparation for my future career.

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