Monday, March 26, 2007

My Speaking Class.

I study ESL Speaking 4 class this semester. The instructor is Ms. Lisa Cook. I’m impressed at her strong voice and her friendly attitude. She seems an outgoing person. She always smiles. At first I didn’t like her. I could not understand and followed what she said, because she spoke very fast. When I was in level 3, the teacher spoke kind of slow and clearly, so we were able to understand her. For the first 2 weeks, I tried to pay attention and listened to her carefully. I can catch up with her now and realize that she’s a good teacher. She explains everything for us clearly. Because we get a little time in class to practice, she finds opportunities for us to speak outside. She plans ad gives a topic for our next presentation. That’s our great assignment, because we need to go out to interview other people, and we’re going to give the class the information we got from the interview. That sounds tough! But I think this is a good chance for us to practice in a real life and improve our speaking skills.

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