Friday, March 23, 2007

Better die

There was a mean and stingy man who lived in a small town. He was rich, but he didn’t want to spend his money. Things in his house were old because he never bought anything. His shoes were torn, but he didn’t care. He said, “They’re still good. I can wear them without hurting my feet.” He had two servants. His servants hated him because he didn’t give them enough food to eat and enough clothes to wear. Once, he prepared to go to a city with his two servants. In their journey, they were tired and thirsty. His servants wanted to buy some water, but he didn’t allow them. He told them to wait until they got in a boat. Because of thirst, they bent over and drank water from a river. Unfortunately, the mean man fell into the river. His servants were frightened when he struggled, so they yelled,” the person who will rescue my master will get $5”. He heard those words and angrily said from the river,”$5 is too expensive.” His servants immediately said, “OK, I’ll give $2 for who rescue my master.” His voice echoed,” $2 is still too much! I’d better die than giving away my money.” After saying that, he slowly drowned.

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