Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Study Space.

There are various reasons why my personal study space is both good and bad. One reason is I don’t really have enough equipment, but I have a perfect place for thinking. I usually do my homework on my bed. From my bed, I can look out a window picture. Whenever I’m stressed out, I look up and watch the blue sky and branches of the tree. The scene outside makes me relaxed. I can lie down on the bed if I’m too tired, or while I’m thinking hard. It really helps, but it has a disadvantage is it is too messed up. I put all my stuff on the bed: books, papers, pens… all over. So when I need a paper or a pen, I waste my time looking for things. After studying, I must clean up and arrange my study space. It’s a little messy, but the important thing is I’m done with my homework.

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