Wednesday, February 21, 2007

My Dog

Kiki was my family's only dog. We all loved him. He was a good dog and also a good friend. I remember when I was three; I used to sit on his back and pretended I was riding a horse. He would carry me on his back and walked around the house. I played with him most of the time. He was always kind to me. He never got angry with me when I carelessly stepped on his tail. My grandmother loved him as her grandson. He loved her too. Once, my grandmother was sick, and she had to stay in bed for a while. Kiki was so sad and worried that he didn't eat anything for days. Every night, he came and stood beside her bed to look after her. He cried softly as if he wanted to comfort her. How lovely he was! He was very intelligent. He understood what people said and their feelings. My grandmother said he's older than me, so she told me to call him " Brother Kiki". He was a member and a part of my family. He brought joy and happiness to us. But he's gone! He's gone for more than ten years. My grandmother and I cried a lot when he died. Everybody was sad for a while. We still miss him. That's why we have no more dogs after Kiki

Bad day

Today is my bad day. In the morning, I was late for the bus, and of course I got to class late. Then, I found out that I left speaking book at home. After that, I bumped at the door and hurt my head when I was in the restroom. Next, I forgot that today I had a test in Grammar Class, so I didn't study last night. Oh, my God! But I did the test not bad; I hope my grade will not be too low. When I finished my class, it was raining. Because I didn't bring umbrella, I got wet when I came home. Finally, I lost my key somewhere, so I could not get in the house. I waited outside until my sister came home. What a bad day!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

best friend

A best friend is one that you can share anything with you. Best friend may or may not have the same interests with you, but a similar thought. The important thing is your best friend is a person you can trust. When you tell her your secrets, she will not tell others. Best friend always stays beside you. She will help you whenever you have troubles and together gets through your problems and difficulties. She encourages you when you're down and gives you a shoulder to cry on. She also shares your smiles and happiness. I'm so lucky that I have a perfect friend likes that. Even if we are far away now, we still keep in touch. We continue sharing our stories. I believe our friendship will last forever

How to clean a house after a party

Cleaning your house after a party is not fun, but it's easy if you do it step by step. First, put away trash on the floor and on the table. Second, clean the floor. After that respread the rug or carpet. Then put chairs, tables, ... in the right order. Finally, realign things on the wall and fix things. It's not as hard as you think, isn't it?